Monday, January 12, 2015

On Postsecondary Education,what is my think.

Difficulty ; Endeavor ; Compete ; Transform ; Collaborate ; Friendship ; Succeed ; goodliness  Memory.Deserve.

This is about my post secondary education .
Postsecundary Education

1. Graduate
2. Diploma
3. High education
4. Next level
5. Knowledge
6. Opportunities
7. Program education
8. Graduation
9. New friends
10. University
11. College
12. Training

Monday, January 5, 2015

Coco's vacations

This morning in class I was toking with my classmate Coco about her activities in the vacation, and she was very busy, she had doing a lot off activities.

She went to Blue Mountain for two days with her family. She enjoyed a wonderful landscape. T
Their children were skiing, though she did because she was afraid.

In the second activity, she went to Niagara falls, was a special trip because she was shearing with a special friends.

Finally, for the third activity, Coco bought a group tickets for two families to Disney on ice, it was a amazing show specially for her children.

She enjoy all her vacations, but she now is very tired, just yesterday she stay at home.

Three modern disease

This is a short summary the three modern disease: 

1. Cancer

Cancer is the first desease cause death worlwide, with an estimate 12 millons in 2030, the agreement to a recent study by Wold Health Organization.

2. Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease is the second biggest killer worldwide. Heart attacks a strokes make up the largest portion of cardiovascular disease deaths and they are largely preventable.

3. Diabetes
Recent studies show that diabetes is really caused by viral infections, but the diabetes was assumed to be genetic.